My Life

Why I Started A Blog

Welcome to The Rose Garden!

    This is the first post of my very fist blog, and I’m so excited! This is something I’ve been thinking about doing for years, but I never really felt like I could. Even now, I’m wondering why anyone would ever care enough to read about my life and my thoughts. But I know that I read blogs just like this one all of the time and enjoy them, so there must be something there. Anyway, I have decided that whether anyone wants to read about my life or not, I’m going to go ahead and write about it.
    I am hoping that this blog can be a space for me to explore my creativity and share it with anyone who is interested. I am fully aware that there are lots of girls my age with blogs that are pretty similar to what I want this blog to be. However, I didn’t create this blog with the intention of being totally original and special, and I definitely don’t plan on making a ton ofmoney or getting a lot of attention. I created this blog for a number of personal reasons, which I’m going to explain in this post.
    I am not totally decided on what I want to do after college yet, but there is a pretty good chance that what I will do will involving writing. I love to write, and it’s always something that has come easy to me in school, but I have had very little experience writing outside of school. I really feel that I need to take time to invest in my writing skills and give myself the chance to explore writing creatively. Of course, if I just wanted to write more, I could always just write for myself, but there is so much more accountability in writing for a blog. I know that I will always want to put out the best quality writing that I’m capable of since I’m sharing it so openly.

     On a more personal level, I am hoping that writing for this blog will help me build confidence. I can be a pretty introverted person, and I’m not always very comfortable sharing my thoughts and feelings with people in my life, let alone the internet. However, I’m an intelligent, interesting person, and I occasionally have intelligent, interesting thoughts that I should feel comfortable sharing with people. Hopefully, overtime this blog will help me gain a bit more confidence in myself.
    Besides all of the super serious reasons, I also just want a space where I can talk about whatever I want and gush about all of my favorite things. I fully expect to write a blog post or two about Gilmore Girls and a few about Harry Potter, and since it’s my blog I don’t have to apologize to anyone for the extent of my obsessions. I have no idea where this blog will go overtime, and I want to feel comfortable exploring any topic or creative expression that I feel like.
     Although all of these reasons and goals behind doing this are very personal, I really do hope that anyone who happens to stumble upon this blog enjoys it!